Cuida Mama

Over the three years of the Protea Amar project, some questions have arisen:

Why do such a significant number of women diagnosed with breast cancer come to the specialist with the disease already at an advanced stage? What happens in the patient’s journey that it takes her so long to get the diagnosis? What is the role of each service and its relationship with the user in the comprehensive care for women’s health?

Protea Institute, faced with the above questions, contacted Instituto Tellus to develop a network project to identify bottlenecks and propose solutions for the journey from suspected breast cancer to beginning treatment. This project has the financial and strategic support of Roche and the Avon Institute.

This is how Cuida Mama arose, from a multi-method approach based on Design Thinking, with solutions which include three pillars:

1) Facilitate communication and information exchange between women and health professionals in breast cancer care;

2) Reorganize the health service experience, providing access to early diagnosis and integrated care throughout the journey;

3) Identify new parameters for breast cancer care, fostering technologies and public policies.

The 3-year schedule comprises phases of diagnosis, co-creation, and implementation of solutions. The region studied in the first phase of the survey includes the flow of women with suspected and diagnosed breast cancer in primary and secondary care in the city of Cotia who undergo treatment at Icesp and Santa Marcelina Hospital, in São Paulo.

For more information about the project, download the available reports for each phase.